
英国威廉希尔中文网站, with the assistance of 公共安全办公室 has established policies and regulations concerning the campus community. 制定这些法律是为了尽量减少和防止犯罪活动造成的损失, 对学校和个人财产的损害, 对校园社区成员造成严重伤害. It is every member of the campus community's responsibility to adhere to these policies and regulations and to point out infractions when they occur. 学生可能会认为一些规定是不公平的,或者限制了他们对乐趣的追求. If a member of the campus community has a question regarding a specific policy feel free to contact 公共安全办公室.


学生手册 提供有关大学流程和政策的全面信息.


  • 酒精饮料
    大学政策确实允许拥有, 消费, 在校园内使用或销售含酒精饮料, 在有限的条件和限制下. 大学酒精政策的全文可在以下网址找到 访问网站的酒精政策部分. 的 laws of the State of Indiana regarding the purchase and possession of alcoholic beverages will be upheld on campus. 这些法律可能由大学工作人员或地方或州当局执行.

  • 药物使用
    非法制造, 分布, 豁免, possession or use of a controlled substance on University property is absolutely prohibited. 违反这项政策将受到纪律处分, 直至并包括终止, 并可能产生法律后果.

  • 参考文献
    参考学生手册, 员工手册, Faculty and Administrator Manual for the full policy regarding the use of drugs and alcohol on campus.

  • 教育
    大学心理咨询中心, 健康与保健中心 and the Coordinator of the Health 教育 Wellness Programs are available to members of the University community for assessment and assistance. 教育 programs addressing alcohol-related and drug related issues are cosponsored on campus by 居住生活, 公共安全办公室, 健康与保健中心, 咨询中心和健康教育/健康项目协调员


英国威廉希尔中文网站 allows the student community to use the campus grounds for various types of outdoor activities. 的re are however certain restrictions placed on some activities and some activities that are prohibited.

  • 骑自行车和滑旱冰
    的se activities are allowed on and around the campus property under the following guidelines:

    • 早上7:30前,在红、绿停车场允许骑自行车和滑旱冰.m. 下午5点以后.m.,星期一至星期五,星期六和星期日24小时.
    • Bike riding and Roller-blading is permitted in all other areas of campus 24 hours a day.
    • 这些活动是不允许在任何大学建筑. 在建筑物内,请远离自行车并取下刀片.
  • 滑板和轮滑
    由于大学对个人滑手安全的关注, 校园行人和可能对大学财产造成的损害, 严禁在校园内玩滑板和轮滑.

  • 跳跃和特技
    是否骑自行车, 滑旱冰或滑板, 严禁使用校园建筑物或景观作为坡道或跳台. 这不仅损害了校园财产,也损害了校园的美观. Anyone caught violating this restriction could be held liable for damage to campus property.

  • 用粉笔写
    只允许在人行道上用粉笔书写. Organizations violating this policy may be sanctioned by the Center for 学生参与. 完整的粉笔指南, 请参阅“学生活动及组织”一节 学生手册.

  • 悬停板和类似设备
    由于潜在的火灾隐患, 英国威廉希尔中文网站 has temporarily banned all hover boards and similar devices from campus properties and approved University housing effective January 7, 2016. 这包括校园人行道, 停车场, 学生宿舍, 村庄性质, 还有兄弟会住房. 这项政策适用于所有员工、学生和访客. 的 policy will be revisited as improvements are made to devices that lower the risk of fires.


Most campus buildings and facilities are accessible to members of the campus community and to guests and visitors during normal business hours, 星期一至星期五. 在学年期间, some buildings are open extended hours seven days a week to allow students access to the academic computer labs in these buildings. Some buildings are open on weekends for limited hours if special events are taking place. 在建筑物安全之后, entry can be obtained by employees who work in the specific building if they have been issued the proper key for the building or have been granted after-hours electronic card access for those buildings having electronic card access capabilities. Students may gain access to academic labs after closing if they have obtained a valid written pass approved by the appropriate faculty member. 的 Office of 公共安全 must be contacted so that a security officer can meet the student requesting entry into a lab. 在向官员出示有效通行证后, 还有学生证, 管理人员可以允许学生进入大楼和实验室.

请在不耐烦之前给我5-10分钟的回复时间. 保安人员可能从校园另一端赶来,或者正在处理另一个电话. 的re is no guarantee that security will be at a specified location at a specified time because of possible emergency situation. 因此,不要打电话,好像是为了安排一个时间让保安人员来见你.


公共安全办公室负责执行所有联邦法律, 状态, local statutes and University regulations pertaining to the possession and/or use of firearms, 弹药, 爆炸装置, 烟花, 或者其他潜在的致命武器. All of these items are strictly prohibited on University owned or controlled property regardless of whether a federal or 状态 license to possess the same has been issued to the possessor. Any violations of these statutes and regulations may result in disciplinary action as well as criminal prosecution.


  • 任何火器或装置,如手枪, 步枪, 散弹枪, 能发射炮弹的手枪或吹枪.
  • Blades over four inches long or any sharp edged item that is used with the intent to threaten or do bodily harm.
  • Blunt objects fashioned to cause injury or bodily harm or any blunt object used with intent to threaten or do bodily harm.
  • 任何带有威胁或身体伤害意图的物品.
  • 爆炸物是任何被设计用来爆炸的装置, 定时或熔合, 这会造成严重的伤害或身体伤害.
  • 本保险单承保所有烟花爆竹,包括烟火在内.


  • 规定一年365天,每天24小时有效.
  • 校园限速10米.p.h.
  • 预留空间(残疾、装卸等).),每周7天,每天24小时开放.
  • In crosswalk areas and sidewalks used by service vehicles, pedestrians have the right of way.
  • 禁止进入设防区域.
  • 所有许可证持有人必须将车停在指定的停车场内.
  • If a permit holder is unable to move a vehicle from a restricted area due to mechanical failure, 许可证持有人必须立即通知公共安全办公室, 车辆必须在24小时内搬到合适的地段. Extension of the 24-hour time period can only be approved by the Director of 公共安全.
  • Do not use University property as a storage facility for unlicensed or inoperable vehicles even if you have a valid parking permit.
  • 禁止在人行道、草坪、装载区或其他限制区域停车.
  • 不要阻塞服务车道、入口和停车场出口.
  • 所有车辆必须停在标明停车位的油漆线内.
  • Permit holders must notify 公共安全办公室 if circumstances occur which change the classification of their parking eligibility.